Expanding Your Horizons 2006 Writing Workshop
On Saturday, February 25, more than 250 girls grades 4 to 9 attended the Expanding Your Horizons Conference in Silver City, New Mexico, hosted by the Grant County Chapter of the American Association of University Women. The girls came from schools throughout southwestern New Mexico.
Almost 60 girls participated in a writing workshop that day. They identified (or at least thought about identifying), researched, and wrote about their dream careers. The full text of their writing can be found on the following pages.
A big thanks to all the girls who participated, and may each and every one of you achieve your dreams -- starting with the next classes you take in math and science!
About Expanding Your Horizons
The Expanding Your Horizons Conference is nationwide program that provides a full day of learning designed to foster girls' interest in careers in math and science. Hands-on workshops are led by professional women from the community. For more information about the Expanding Your Horizons program, visit Expanding Your Horizons.
Miscellaneous Careers
The depth and breadth of the careers chosen by the Expanding Your Horizons participants speaks to their imagination. Click here to read their essays.
Healthcare Providers
Many Expanding Your Horizons participants were interested in pursuing healthcare careers. Click here to find out why.
There were many animal lovers and aspiring veterinarians in the Expanding Your Horizons writing workshop. Click here to read their stories.