Future Veterinarians
There were animal lovers aplenty in the Expanding Your Horizons writing workshop. Here, in their own words, are their aspirations!
I want to be a Veterinarian when grow up, because I love animals and I love to doctor things. I chose this career because I love everything about it. You have to know about animals. I know a lot about them! Your years in school depend on your capabilities as a vet and animal doctor. A vet takes care of wounded and ill animals. He or she has a special career being a vet because they have a chance to be an animal lover!
Veterinarians play a major part in your pet's life and that’s why I want to be one of them. If I were to be a veterinarian, I think I would have a lot of fun doing that job as I would be playing with the animals. Being a veterinarian has always come to mind when someone asks me what I want to be when I grow up .
Alexandra, Grade 5
I would really like to be a vet because I think that animals should be healthy just like we are. If someone’s dog or any pet was really sick I would want to take care of it, because a person loves that animal & wants it to get better. If I had an animal that was sick I would want it to get better. Who wouldn’t want their pet to get better?
I think animals should be able to live like people.
I Want to Be a Veterinarian
I want to be a veterinarian and I’m 13 years old. I chose that I want to be a veterinarian because I like to be with animals. I also like to help them if they are hurt. I’ve had some pets before. I’ve had many dogs, two fish, and I’ve had a horse. I like to be outside a lot and be with animals. I think the only thing I’m afraid of or don’t like are spiders. I think I don’t like spiders because of how they look and how they act.
A veterinarian takes care of animals and helps them when they are hurt or have a disease. There are many types of vets. There are some that help only domestic animals, there are some who treat marine animals, and there are some that treat exotic animals. It mostly depends what you want to go into, like if you want to treat certain kinds of animals.
To be a veterinarian you have to have pretty good grades. You have to go to four years of college and four additional years of veterinary medicine. Internship or residency are not required but are offered to receive advanced qualification or specialty certification. That is why I want to be a veterinarian.
I would like to be a vet when I get to college. I would be in vet school for up to seven or eight years. I would like to go to Fort Collins in Colorado to one of the best vet schools in the US. One of my friends went to that school for college and my friend, Paulynna and I want to go there. I want to be a vet so I can help animals. My kitten died and I think that’s what inspired me to be a vet so I can save other animals.
I would like to be a veterinarian because I love animals.
May, Grade 6
Forensics Scientist or Veterinarian
I want to be is a forensics scientist or a veterinarian. I’m not afraid of blood or some types of animals. I am also very good with some of the animals, and I like to be around the animals
The forensics scientist figures out how the person died and figures out who did what to that person. A vet helps out animals and takes care of them, like giving the animals their shots
It takes about five years to go through the classes for the forensic scientist.
What I want to be when I grow up is a veterinarian because I like animals. I chose this career when I was about nine years old. That is when I knew I wanted to become a veterinarian, maybe I would change my mind but for now I want to be a veterinarian. I like to take care of animals mostly dogs.
A veterinarian has a big role in this job, taking care of animals. They can’t be scared of an animal because they won’t make it. A veterinarian gets $50,000 a year. There are at least 58,000 professionals in the U.S. There are at least (that I know of) two kinds of veterinarians. There are dog veterinarians and of course all kinds of animals veterinarians.
A veterinarian has to know what to give to the animals if they are sick so they could feel much better. They have to go to college at least for four years. They have to go to four years of veterinarian medicine school.
So that is all I know.
Rosio, Grade 7
When I grow up I want to be a veterinarian. I want to be a veterinarian because I really enjoy animala. I grew up with a lot of animals in my house so I am used to being around a lot of animals already. I mainly chose to be a veterinarian because I feel animals need our help. Some animals are sick are injured and are out on the streets with no help. I feel bad feel bad for animals because they are brought into this world and then put on the street. A veterinarian helps animals in their time of need. For example, they give them love and care and help the animals get better.
I think to become a veterinarian you have to like animals and want to care for them. There are now a lot of people wanting become veterinarians, because they are starting to understand that animals need our help. I think animals are really important to care for. I want animal abusers to think if they were an animal abused. I think they would like it, so they really should think about that.
Jazmin, Grade 7
When I grow up I want to be a veterinarian. I chose this career because I love animals and I like helping them. A veterinarian is a doctor that helps animals. To become a veterinarian I will have to go to school and listen.
When I grow up I want to be a veterinarian. I chose this career because I love animals. A veterinarian cares for animals, and also helps them when their sick or when their hurt. I’ll have to go to school to learn more about being a veterinarian.
When I Grow Up I Would Like to Be a Veterinarian!
I chose this career because I think it is a very interesting subject to learn about. There are only 27 vet colleges in the United States! You don’t have to have straight A’s; you can have A’s, B’s. You have to have experience with animals and be gentle with them. It takes 4 years of college and an additional 4 years of veterinary medicine to become a vet. After that in order to practice in a state you need to pass a state board exam. Each state has their own requirements although some states do reciprocate. This means that if you pass the state board exam you would be eligible to practice in another state that accepts those scores. A veterinarian is an animal doctor, a practitioner of veterinary medicine. The equivalent term in British English is veterinary surgeon, and both terms are often shortened to vet.
A vet takes care of all animals and keeps them healthy and does surgery on any animal.
Amanda, Grade 7
When I grow up I would like to be a vet. I chose this career because I love animals. A vet helps animals get better. I need to know how to do medical things to the animals, also how to make them feel better. You would have to go to school in order to help the animals you love. Animals are hard to raise sometimes but you have to put all the effort you have into it. Animals also need love and caring for. We also need to remember that animals are a big responsibility, so we need t to help them.
This job takes as much as 8 years of undergraduate and graduate work. The best school classes to take would be biology, chemistry, and math. Your class might have to be in a big university environment. If you wanted a certain location, you could find a college in any state.